This is the 4'th host bot made for Garena. It's based of course on Varlock's job Ghost++ and GhostOne ( http://www.codelain.com/ ) but it's adapted only for Garena. It retains many of the original Ghost commands plus other specific for Garena. It has commands like !levels to show player levels, it can put restrictions on this (just like on countries) and it shows real player countries.
# [] Play easier with your friends ! Add them to safelist (so they can always join your game, even if it's full), make them admins like you, hold slot for them and many more !
# [] Total control over your game ! (ability to kick << on vote >>, mute, swap, ban players)
# [] Ability to control the game latency !
# [] Ability to auto-save games when someone is disconnected (for a later resuming)
# [] And many many more Smile
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